Sunday we woke up, ate lunch and headed for Louisville. I don't know if Kip ate something or got a stomach bug or both, but he started throwing up and it never stopped!! After many stops, we finally made it home and picked up Aidan. I dropped them off at home and left to pick up Parker. He was in Doggie Day Camp at Petsmart and had a GREAT time!! When I picked him up, he had a report card with straight A's!! What a difference a few months can make in a puppy!!
So after Parker and I made it back home, I got Kip in the shower and tried to put him to bed, but he was still so sick. So I convinced him to let me take him to the immediate care. They did an EKG and sent us to the emergency room. Around 1130, I took Aidan home and Grandpa came over to watch him so I could go back with Kip. (Aidan had a lot of quality grandparent time this weekend!!) Finally after many tests, IVs and scans, we were told that he had inflamed lymphnodes in his stomach and given a prescription and sent home around 4am.
It's been a long couple of days filled with good times and not so good times. But the best part of the weekend was being able to spend quality alone time with my hubby and knowing Aidan was well taken care of and I didn't need to worry!! Now, on to VEGAS!!!!
Oh my! I hope Kip is feeling better today and the drugs help.