Thursday, October 1, 2009

What we've learned in a week...

We've been home a week now - and MAN does it feel good!! We're definitely learning a lot this week, and I'm sure we'll have even more lessons under our belts in another week!!

*Aidan is a fast healer!! His trach site look GREAT!

*Night nursing is a blessing!! It really wasn't as bad or invasive as we thought it would be.

*Aidan is still (and understandably) scared of nurses, even at home!!

*We aren't suctioning as much as we thought.

*But we're still suctioning a lot!!

*Getting a routine down is still not very easy in this house!!

*We CAN still go out with a trach.

*We have a LOT of extra baggage when we go out!!

*As long as we take things day by day, hour by hour or minute by minute, we'll be ok!!

*Aidan is cuter than EVER!!


  1. So I assume the night nurses have actually be showing up? That is a good thing. So glad Aidan is healing well. Cannot wait to see him!

  2. I have nominated you for an award. : ) Come over to my blog to pick it up.

  3. Aiden is adorable. What a cutie!!
