I had to make my first 911 call yesterday morning. Aidan's trach came out (while still attached to his trach ties), and his nurse and I were unable to get it back in. Aidan was turning a little blue, however with a little help he was able to breathe on his own some. We were rushed to Kosair, with the mindset that he would go to surgery to get it replaced. (I won't tell you many times I almost called 911, from the ambulance, on the way in because NO ONE seemed to care that a rushing ambulance with lights and sirens blaring, was coming down the highway!!)
Luckily, his surgeon was the one on call today (oh, how we LOVE Dr. Downard!!), and she was able to replace the trach without going to the OR. Aidan has been fighting what we think might be a cold or flu bug for the last 24 hours and he had a slight fever, so we decided to stay in the ER for a little while to see how things went.
Aidan's fever was coming down, however he still required some oxygen, so we were going to be sent home via ambulance. While waiting for our ride home, Aidan's oxygen stats started to fall and we were awarded the golden "welcome to the PICU" pass for the night. We were soooo hoping to go home and not have to stay longer to get any germs. But, so is life.
We are hopeful, that we will get sent home today. Tests are still out, and will take a couple days, to see if he has a bug or not. But the doctors are being proactive and treating him with meds.