Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rough Day!!

Aidan woke up screaming this morning, gagging on his secretions and retching. So after unhooking his pump, I vented his belly and he expelled 2 ounces of formula. He then continued to retch, so I let his belly drain. After about 3 hours of retching and screaming, I decided to call the pediatrician for advice. I really didn't want to bring him in, but they said he would have to be seen and made an appt for 2pm. So I called the GI specialist. They said if he didn't have a fever the doctor would call me after he returned to the office at 1pm. After hanging up, I felt Aidan again and he seemed really warm. He had a low grade fever of 101.5. So I called the GI doc back and I was instructed to take him to the ER.

When we walked in the hospital, it looked like a ghost town!! There was no one waiting!! Well, come to find out, they were ALL back in rooms waiting to be seen. But when is a trip to the ER ever quick??

Aidan had a UTI a few weeks ago and the only symptoms were a horrible cough that lasted 9 days (!!) and a fever. After 10 days of antibiotics he was retested and it was gone. But the last two nights he woke up coughing a few times so I was beginning to wonder if he had another UTI?

Aidan got an IV, strep test, belly and chest x-rays, and blood and urine cultures. And they confirmed he did have a UTI. They were going to admit us and have an ultrasound of his kidneys done tomorrow to test for reflux. But first, they had to call the pediatrician and get their approval (guess ER docs can't admit kiddos on their own). UNluckily for us, the doctor on call at our practice was the one we do not like (due to many bad experiences in the past). He decided we should go home and come see him in the morning. And wanted to wait ONE MONTH to have any tests ran. (Did we mention we DO NOT like this guy?!?!?!).

So, prescriptions in tow, we headed home and Aidan is finally asleep in his bed :) We're feeding pedialyte until the morning and praying for a good night!!

And yes, Kip has been out of town for the last couple of days!!

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